Posted in Team Pogona on Apr 24, 2017

NCBI has completed the annotation of Pogona genome, generated by the genetics and genomics team of the IAE, and made it widely available to the global research community.

It should be referred to as NCBI Pogona vitticeps Annotation Release 100.

Here are various ways in which you can view or interact with the annotation:

  1. Download:

  2. View a summary of the annotation, and description of the inputs that were used as evidence:

  3. Blast any sequence against the genome or against the annotated products (transcripts and proteins):

  4. See the genes in Gene:[Organism:noexp] There should be an embedded graphical view on each Gene page, but currently I am not seeing it. I'll find out what is happening.

  5. Within a week or two (not now), you will be able to see the genome in the Genome Data Viewer with this link: In the meantime, we have the genome available in a locally administered browser.

For further information, refer to our resources page that provides a summary of the Pogona genome and points to relevant publications.

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